jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

Short Story

Resultado de imagen de circuitos de salto de equitacion      The great team

By Carolina López

Once upon a time, in a small village where lots of people used to have horses, there was one girl, her name was Laura and she had a horse with the one she used to ride every day, the name of the horse was Silver.

   In that village, called Shaker Village, in the north of Kentucky she had lots of friends. Her best friend also used to do horseridding, so that’s why they were normally always together, training for competitions and being with other riders.

   One day Laura, and her best friend Ally, were in the stables brushing their horses: Silver and Gold. When suddenly the director of the teenagers jumping club (Jim) came. That was a national club just for excellent riders.

     “Hi girls, you are Laura and Ally, don’t you?” He asked them with his deep voice.

     “Hello! Yes, we are Laura and me, Ally. Is there anything could we help you?”

     “Well… Actually I was going to ask you something about my jumping club.”

    “What happened?” Asked Laura.

     “As you know, the teenagers team is just for girls and boys that are fourteen to seventeen years old, and this year three of the members of the team are eighteen  so that means that I can’t compete with them, well, I ca but in another category… Anyway, I have heard many good things about you two, your horses, and your way jumping... At the moment I just have one member, Dylan; I think he is in your school…”

     “Oh yeah! Dylan Hourigan, he is in my science class.” Said Laura.

     “So he is one of the members, but I also need three more. This Saturday I’m going to choose the new riders, and I would like you to come, there’s also going to be people of your club so I’m sure you’ll know most of the riders.”

     “Oh my god! That seems fantastic; we have been waiting to go to that team since we were young!” Said Ally.
     “Yeah, that’s true; we are going to make everything possible to be in the team, thanks!” Said Laura so excited.
    “That’s good! So I’ll see you on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. ,  but I advise you to come earlier cause you will need to prepare your horses and at 10:00 a.m. everyone will have to be in the jump track.”
     “Bye! Thanks so much.” Said Laura and Ally when Jim started going…. They couldn’t imagine that was happening to them.
   Until Saturday they were going every day to ride, as they usually do, but working harder and entuasmly.
Rrrm, rrrmm… The phone was ringing, it was Laura calling Ally.
     “Hey Laura, what happened?”
     “Ally, I’m so excited for tomorrow, and I can’t sleep.”
     “Laura it’s ok, don’t worry about tomorrow we are going to do it fantastically, we have working very hard.”
     “Yeah but what happened if tomorrow… I don’t know whatever, the horse is booted or…”
     “Laura c’mon go to sleep and rest well, I see you tomorrow morning at eight, my mom is dropping us.”
   The next morning, they were ready with Silver and Gold, it was 9:30 a.m. so they just decided to sit down and speak… At the same time they were speaking, they were looking who was coming. At the moment there were lots of people so that made Laura to be nervous. Because besides, one of the riders that was there was Luke Murphy, one of the most handsome boys of the school that Laura liked since primary school.
   Suddenly they saw how Jim was coming with… They couldn’t see who was until…
     “Hey girls! I didn’t know you were going to be so early. Anyway that’s a good point. Oh! I forgot it, this is Dylan, he is going to help me choosing the three riders.”
     “Hi Laura and…”
     “Ally.” She said with a fake smile.
     “Well, good luck! I hope I’ll see you in the team Laura and sorry, your name was…?”
     “Ally. “ She said angry.
     “It was a joke.” He laughed.
     “C’mon Dylan we have to go. See you later girls!”
   Jim left. Laura was with a smile on her face but Ally was not very happy.
     “He is sooo cute! His face, his hair, his smile, oh my god…! And his green eyes are amazing.”
     “Whaaat?! Did you see him? Oh sorry, what’s your name?” Ally said trying to imitate him.
     “C’mon Ally that was only a joke.” Laura laughed.
     “Oh yeah sorry, ha ha ha.” Ally laughed in an ironic tone.
   It was 10:30, everyone had finished, now they just need to wait for the results until 11:15 a.m.
     “We were excellent, Ally!”
     “Yeah, oh my god, I can’t wait for the results. And…did you see Luke? He was excellent too!”
   Ally started laughing, and in that moment Dylan came.
     “Hey Laura, you were amazing!”
     “Oh thanks!”
     “And you…” He was going to say Ally, but she didn’t let him to finish.
     “Yeah I know, that was only a joke, ok? Never mind, you were excellent too.”
     “Well, thanks…”
    “Dylan! C’mon we just have twenty minutes left to decide it.” It was Jim calling Dylan.
    “Sorry girls, I’ll see you later!”
   It was the moment; Jim was going to say the results. But before that Luke went to see Ally.
     “Hey Ally! I didn’t know you used to do horseridding as well as you did it.”
     “Hi Luke, thank you! You have done it so good too.”
     “Thanks! Well I think they are going to say the results right now, I’ll see you in the team.” And he started laughing at the same time he left.
     “And the three members that are going to be in the teenagers jumping team are; Luke Murphy, Ally Williams, and… Laura Brown! Thanks so much to the other riders and congratulations for this three!
     “Oh my god Ally, I can’t believe it!”
     “Yeah, we did it!”
   They were jumping of happiness when Dylan and Luke interrupted them.
     “Congratulations! I knew you were going to win that place in the team from the first second I saw you.” Dylan said to Laura.
     “Oh thanks so much!” She hugged him.
     “I also knew that about you, Ally!”
     “Thanks!” Ally laughed
     “I think we are going to be a great team” Luke said at the same time he was looking to Ally.
     “We are a great time!” Ally laughed.
   And when they both looked around, they were alone; Laura and Dylan were a little further, kissing! They didn’t know what to say, they could just laugh in that moment.
   Ally and Laura were so happy in the team for the next three years. Until they were eighteen, that they started in the other category, but luckily, with the same team.

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